Creating healthy people
With a third of the population physically inactive and 1 in 6 deaths in the UK attributed to physical inactivity, we know that there are many people in our communities who need something more distinct than our mainstream fitness and sport activities. We also know that our partners expect us to make the largest impact upon our communities and we believe passionately in the value of good health. We develop activity programmes, and often work with Public Health agencies, to provide interventions that are designed to reduce the incidence of major chronic disease such as coronary heart disease, type 2 diabetes, osteoporosis and many forms of cancer.
The health and wellbeing services that we offer include:
- GP Exercise referral programmes
- Falls Prevention classes
- Stroke Rehabilitation
- Cardiac Rehabilitation
- Cancer Rehabilitation
- Smoking Cessation
- Swim4HealthTM - an initiative that encourages people to use the pool as an exercise space with a tailored programme to improve their health outcomes
- Weight management for adults - including our Shape Up programme - a structured programme designed by psychologists, dieticians and exercise specialists which helps to create an improved attitude and lifestyle change.
- Weight management courses for children designed to encourage, guide and enable them to live healthier and more active lives.
- Older Adults Physical Activity - over 50s and 60s programmes.
- NHS Health Checks
- Tailored Health Checks.
Whilst some of these programmes may take place within our facilities, many others don’t and this allows us to reach a greater proportion of our communities. Contact today to find out how we can improve the health of your community.