Friday Night Project

Helping our local youth

Our centre in Cranleigh acted decisively when recognising the need for organised activities for the local youngsters. Aimed at tackling increasing obesity levels and the potential for anti social behavior, the team at Cranleigh Leisure Centre introduced the Friday Night Project.

Mixed sessions for youngsters

Running on Friday evenings, the sessions include activities in the gym, in the pool and sports such as squash and table tennis. As well providing fitness sessions, the scheme provides a safe place for youngsters to come and socialise with friends.

The scheme was a success, with up to 90 children attending in a single session, and has now been running for a number of years at Cranleigh Leisure Centre.

"I love coming to make new friends"

Some of the youngsters who have attended the sessions described how it provided a place to "make new friends" and "feel safe" as well as "trying things I never thought I would".

The Friday Night Project at Cranleigh continues to run every Friday evening from 5:00pm until 8:00pm with the centre continuing to adapt the offering to ensure it provides relevant and beneficial activities for the local community.​

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