Your leisure activity and wellness partner
Places Leisure is a leading leisure and wellness partner delivering fitness, sport, health and wellbeing. We primarily work with Local Authorities to deliver the right kinds of health and physical activity outcomes that make a difference to the lives of people and their communities; it’s about more than operating facilities.
Your Leisure Activity and Wellness Partner
With our local authority partners we manage a diverse range of leisure facilities and provide local authorities with a complete leisure solution to fully engage with their local communities and get more people more active and healthier; whether this is through the Best Value or Design, Build, Operate and Maintain (DBOM) procurement route.
In line with our mission to ‘create active places and healthy people’ we aim to embed ourselves in our local communities, whilst achieving social and financial objectives, working collaboratively with our local authority partners.
As a social enterprise our efforts and funds are utilised to develop the quality of service and facilities and to widen the opportunities for all sections of the community to participate in physical and health related activity.
To make a real difference we’re simply driven to excite our communities and ignite their enthusiasm for increased physical activity and good health, by providing the means and motivation to help them get there, in the ways they love most.
Understanding the specific needs of the communities within which we work is a characteristic that is important to us; having a deep understanding and respect for local people and their places ensures that we can truly make a difference to those communities, allowing the place to be successful and its people to reach their potential.
Places Leisure is the leisure management arm of Places for People Group - which provides property management, development and regeneration - offering local authorities the opportunity to create successful, high quality places which are environmentally, economically and socially sustainable. The range and reach of our integrated services positions us as a unique placemaking partner, particularly for local authorities seeking to grow, manage and regenerate their communities.
If you would like more information about Places Leisure please contact us on 01276 418 200 or email