Build the fitness habit!
6 ways to make your fitness habits stick
So - you've made the commitment to a new membership. We know it takes 21 days to form a habit, but how can you keep your fitness routine up for longer? Follow our 6 tips below and make fitness a lifelong habit.
Our top tips
Vary your activity
Having a variety of activities in your workout plan - lifting weights, walking, running, swimming, cycling, aerobics classes - will ensure that you can do something whatever the weather or time of day. Don’t forget that the gym, swimming and group exercise classes are included in Premium memberships, giving loads of options! And our Virtual Studio gives you access to 1000s of on demand and live stream workouts too! -
Have a workout partner
Agreeing to exercise with a friend means you won’t want to let them down and it’s less likely you’ll talk yourself out of your workout. Exercise becomes a social occasion, which makes it more appealing. Plus, a little friendly competition will make you work harder and see results faster! -
Make exercise a priority
It has to be non-negotiable or you’ll find reasons not to do it. Write it down if you need to, on the calendar or in a journal – seeing things in black and white make them a commitment that you’re much less likely to break. Logging activity also makes it easier to see progress and achievement – remember you can track all your Moves in our Places Locker app! -
Have a set time of day to exercise
Find an early class, or hit the pool or gym first thing in the morning before everyone else gets up and life, work, family get in the way. Then it’s ticked off and you're energised for the day knowing your workout is already done. If you prefer to de-stress later in the day, take your gym clothes to work and drop in on your way home. Just don't go home first – it’s too hard to get out the door again! -
Remember how good it feels
'Energised', 'happy' and 'proud' are just a few of the words to describe the exercise afterglow. Even when you think you're 'too tired', you'll always feel better after exercising thanks to those lovely endorphins! -
Reward yourself
Making changes is hard. By being active you are doing something good for yourself now and in the future – doesn’t that deserve a reward?! Set your goal and choose a reward, then work towards it. Maybe some new trainers when you achieve 750 Moves per day for a month, or goggles when you can swim 20 lengths without stopping. Whatever works for you.
We hope this helps! Why not make the most of your motivation and book into your next session?
You can also take a look at some of our other helpful blogs for more hints and tips.