Congratulations Soraya!

Billingshurst Leisure Centre's Swimmer of the year

After a challenging 2021 we wanted to round the year off with some good news stories.  We asked all of our Swimming Teachers to nominate those distinctive, very special swimmers who deserved a bit of recognition.

They were asked to identify swimmers on our lesson programmes (children and adults) who have displayed positive attitudes, unyielding determination or, have put in efforts over and above their peers.  They may have overcome personal adversity or achieved something unexpected or challenging. 

Soraya Ahmet - Billingshurst Leisure Centre's Swimmer of the Year 2021
Nominated by her teacher Louise Wyatt

"Soraya came to me in my stage 6 when she first joined and I could see she would make a good club swimmer eventually but she never had the confidence.

Over the last year I have seen her grow in strength and she has gone up stages progressively to be in the top group. She now swims 5 times a week and loves every minute of it. Great to see swimmers progress and go through the programme and end up as club swimmers!"


Great work, Soraya!