
Hitting the winner

A bit about squash

Squash is a fast sport that works your body harder than most other sports. The sport is played on a four-walled court with a racket and a small hollow ball.

The objective of the game is to the hit the ball in such a way that your opponent is not able to play a valid return. There are about 20 million people in the world who play Squash on a regular basis.

Squash gives an inspiring cardio-respiratory workout and you can burn as many as 800 calories in 30 minutes.

Is the squash court the place for you?

It's also a great sport to enjoy with a friend and fit in around your week.  You can learn how to play, improve your skills or play competitively in our Leagues - whatever place you're into.

Fun facts

  • There was a Squash court on the Titanic
  • The first nuclear reactor was built in a Squash court
  • Prince Philip was playing Squash when Queen Elizabeth II went into labour

Are you new to the game? Click here for a summary of how to play. 


Racketball is very similar to Squash, it is played on a Squash court and the main difference between the two sports is the racket has a smaller handle and the head of the racket is wider than a Squash racket. The ball is also larger. Racketball is the UK's fastest growing sport.

How to book

Bookable online or call reception on 01304 201145 option 1 and our Placemaking team will be happy to help.

  • £10.50 per hour for the court.

Please note that we cannot lend rackets until Covid restrictions are lifted.

Squash with Places Locker

Places Locker is our app for all things active.  You earn MOVES for all the activity that you complete each week, build training programmes and book courts.  Did you know a one hour squash session could earn you 2,000 MOVES - we said it worked you harder than other sports.

Have you registered for our Places Locker app? You can track your activity each week and earn MOVES for all the activity that you complete.  

Find out more


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