Congratulations Verity!

Loughton Leisure Centre's Swimmer of the year

After a challenging 2021 we wanted to round the year off with some good news stories.  We asked all of our Swimming Teachers to nominate those distinctive, very special swimmers who deserved a bit of recognition.

They were asked to identify swimmers on our lesson programmes (children and adults) who have displayed positive attitudes, unyielding determination or, have put in efforts over and above their peers.  They may have overcome personal adversity or achieved something unexpected or challenging. 

Verity Dollery - Loughton Leisure Centre's Swimmer of the Year 2021
Nominated by her teacher Susie Clay

"Verity has attended our swim scheme since she was in the old style pre-school stage 1. She progressed from a non-swimmer to a confident pre -school 2 relatively quickly. She was one of the last swimmers I saw before lockdown 1 was announced- very few swimmers attended the week leading up but she was there keen as usual!

On our return from lockdown 1 Verity had just started reception at school and transferred to our stage 2 after school classes. Verity has in the space of one year progressed to a Stage 5 which is quite an achievement considering the disruption of the 3 separate lockdowns, in reality she has done this in 10 months.

Verity is a regular attendee, always listens and loves her lessons. A real pleasure to teach!"