Congratulations Rukhsana!

Our swimmer of the year 2021

After a challenging 2021 we wanted to round the year off with some good news stories.  We asked all of our Swimming Teachers to nominate those distinctive, very special swimmers who deserved a bit of recognition.

They were asked to identify swimmers on our lesson programmes (children and adults) who have displayed positive attitudes, unyielding determination or, have put in efforts over and above their peers.  They may have overcome personal adversity or achieved something unexpected or challenging. 

Rukhsana Shafiq - Sparkhill Fitness Centre's Swimmer of the Year 2021

Nominated by her teacher Alex Bennett

'Rukhsana started her learn to swim journey with us 3 years ago. She joined as a beginner and has gone from only being able to walk in the pool to swimming 25m unaided.

Rukhsana's dedication and motivation to learn to swim is inspiring and I have never met anybody with the drive that she has.

She comes to 3 Just Swim sessions outside of her lessons so that she can practise her skills.

Even if it's something new that Rukhsana struggles to do, she's always having fun in the lessons and making others laugh whilst also helping them learn to swim. She is a shining light within the community and the ladies only sessions wouldn't be the same without her.'