Congratulations Jayne!

Our swimmer of the year 2021

After a challenging 2021 we wanted to round the year off with some good news stories.  We asked all of our Swimming Teachers to nominate those distinctive, very special swimmers who deserved a bit of recognition.

They were asked to identify swimmers on our lesson programmes (children and adults) who have displayed positive attitudes, unyielding determination or, have put in efforts over and above their peers.  They may have overcome personal adversity or achieved something unexpected or challenging. 

Jayne Young - West Brom Leisure Centre swimmer of the year 2021

Nominated by her teacher Laura

'Jayne has been having 1-1 swimming lessons with Laura one of our instructors now for over 5 years, as she felt she would not be able to learn in a group lesson due to her additional needs. Jayne is an inspiration to everyone at the centre as she battles through her daily challenges and never gives up!

Jayne can struggle with speaking and she has really found a connection with Laura and after all of the time and effort Laura has put into Jayne and her lessons they now communication very easily and Laura knows what Jayne is thinking and trying to say by just looking at her. When Jayne first started she was a complete non swimmer with a fear of the water, Jayne can now swim continuously for over 25 metres!

Everyone at the centre knows Jayne as she is so kind and friendly to all of the staff, she has a laugh and joke with everyone she sees around the centre and really brightens up peoples days when she comes into the centre.

Lockdown was very hard for Jayne and as soon as we were open again and delivering 1-1 lessons Jayne was the first one back having her lessons with Laura again! Even now that Jayne can swim she continues to pay for the 1-1 lessons to keep her self fit, active and for the social side of coming into the Centre. Laura speaks so highly of Jayne and now describes her as not just a 1-1 but a lifelong friend!'