Your safety FAQs

What safety standards do we work to?  

We support the HSE’s strategic themes - Find out more

Acting together - Promoting broader ownership of health and safety

Tackling ill health - Highlighting and tackling the costs of work-related ill health

Managing risk well - Simplifying risk management

Keeping pace with change - Anticipating and tackling new health and safety challenges

Sharing our success - Promoting the benefits of a health and safety system

More information on the above strategic themes can be found here.

How do we benchmark our standards? What is Quest?

Quest is the UK Quality Scheme for Sport and Leisure designed primarily for the management of leisure facilities, sports development teams and leisure development. Quest is managed on behalf of Sport England by Right Directions in partnership with Leisure-net Solutions. It defines industry standards and good practice, and encourages their ongoing development and delivery within a customer-focused management framework. Quest’s rigorous assessments challenge even the very best leisure facilities, universities and sports development teams in the UK. The National Benchmarking Service (NBS) provides critical data on the performance of leisure facilities.  More info is available at

What’s our safeguarding policy?

We recognise and support the aims of the NSPCC’s Child Protection in Sport unit which has a mission is to build the capacity of sports to safeguard children and young people in and through sport and to enable sports organisations to lead the way in keeping children safe from harm. They aim to achieve this by:

  • Being a lead voice, champion
  • Providing expert safeguarding and child protection advice
  • Contributing safeguarding knowledge to policies, procedures and programmes
  • Developing and delivering sports specific training, resources and guidance
  • Coordinating, lobbying and advocating on behalf of the sector in response to government consultations
  • Supporting research into a range of issues, developing understanding and an evidence base
  • Consulting with children and young people

Do you use CCTV?

We operate CCTV throughout our centres for security, safety and good management purposes.   This may also include swimming pool areas (see also Poolview).

What is Poolview?

Poolview is an above and below water camera system, which displays all moving images. Real-time digital video images are relayed to the lifeguard. The Lifeguards have an un-compromised view of below water swimmer activity and behaviour. Lifeguards view these images as part of their scanning to help with early identification of an incident developing or abnormal events occurring.

What Lifeguarding Standards do we work to?

All our lifeguards are qualified with the Royal Lifesaving Society (RLSS) National Pool Lifeguard Qualification (NPLQ). We actively promote and participate in the ukactive Code of Practice to raise standards within the sector.

Do we have defibrillators on site? 

All our leisure centres are equipped with an AED (Automated External Defibrillators) and trained staff are on duty at all times. Below are a couple of sites for further reading: