Adrian and Mehran Kondazi

Our father and son learn to swim duo

Adrian and Mehran’s story is something we hear a lot at Places Leisure and something we love to help families with!

Adrian started swimming with us when he was seven years old. Later than a lot of children, but we are firm believers in ‘it’s never too late to learn’ - something Adrian’s dad, Mehran, later proved when he chose to learn to swim at Places Leisure too.

Adrian was struggling in the water on holiday and wasn’t able to play confidently with his cousins in the pool. So, when they returned, his parents enrolled him straight on to swimming lessons. The lessons also provided a great way for Adrian to let off steam and burn off some energy. Adrian enjoyed his lessons so much that Mehran decided to get in on the act as well.

Here’s what he told us:

“After Adrian was diagnosed with ADHD, I wanted to do an activity with my son for us to stay close. I always wanted to be able to swim but had never had the opportunity to do lessons. I enrolled on lessons at my local Places Leisure centre and haven’t looked back. I have found friends and great teachers. I can swim properly now! I am proud of my stamina and look forward to my weekly journey.”

We also asked Adrian about his lessons.

What do you love about your swimming lessons?
I really love swimming, it's fun and enjoyable. The teachers are kind and very cool.

What is your favourite activity you do in lessons?
I love all of it but if I had to choose, I love doing the dolphin! (That’s a butterfly leg kick in case you were wondering. 😊)

Have you been swimming anywhere else outside of your lessons?
I was in Dubai at Christmas, and I did a front flip into the ocean off the back of a yacht. I also went to Greece and did fun activities on inflatables in the ocean.

Are there any other water-based activities you would like to try?
I would like to try surfing, it sounds fun.

What thing are you most proud of achieving in swimming so far?
That I can enjoy my holidays more. I am most proud of achieving Swimmer of the Year and levelling up to Stage 5!

And what swimming thing would you really like to be able to learn in the future?
I would like to learn butterfly.

Adrian was one of our Swimmers of the Year in 2021, nominated by his teacher for his outstanding effort and attitude towards learning. His enthusiasm has clearly rubbed off on his dad, but is also making its way around the family as mum has now enrolled on adult lessons too! We asked Mehran how he felt about Adrian winning the award. He said:

“I was so proud of Adrian when I found out he won swimmer of the year! It was a massive achievement and honestly, it was amazing.” Adrian also added, “I felt very surprised and proud. I was delighted.”

We are also delighted to be helping the family to develop a whole team of swimmers. It doesn’t matter what age you are or how much experience of the water you have, we are here to help. If you are interested in finding out more about our swimming lesson programme, please enquire below and our friendly swim team will be in touch.